3 Little Things Sellers Can Do To Make A Big Impression On Buyers

3 Little Things Sellers Can Do To Make A Big Impression On Buyers

When buyers are out looking at homes it is easy for them to start to forget some if they don’t make a great first impression on them.  They often get overwhelm and might only remember a negative detail if it wasn’t a great home.  As a seller listing your home you want to be sure your home is memorable to the buyers and sticks out in a good way.  Here are 3 Tips sellers can do to make a big impression on potential buyers.

  1. Utilities Costs - Every buyer not only is looking at the sales price of the home but they are also thinking of their monthly expenses, one of them being utilities bills.  As a seller if you list this for them they have a clear understanding of what they can expect to pay, don’t leave them guessing wrong and cause them to walk away.  Be proactive and provide the information so they can be educated and feel empowered.
  2. Owner’s Manuals - Providing owners manuals is another key buyers really appreciate.  Providing the manuals not only shows you kept up with your homes records but it helps them out with future issues should they need to reference them.
  3. Make An Effort (TLC) - Make an effort outside to give your home great curb appeal.  Too much attention is put inside the home, when in reality the first impression starts with curb appeal.  What sets a boring home from one that will impress buyers is definitely some TLC, this shows you cared and took care of the home.

Don’t allow your home to get lost in the shuffle of all the homes buyers view, instead be sure to stand out.  These are just a few tips I would give sellers but certainly there are more.  At the end of the day it is on you to set the stage for your home and the impression buyers will get.  Be sure to follow these 3 tips so you can be sure to make a big impression on buyers when you list your home.

With a heart of a teacher I look to educate my clients about the process of buying, selling or renting real estate.  I strongly feel an informed and educated consumer will make better decisions and be less likely to be taken advantage of.

Have questions about this or other topics, don not hesitate to contact me.

Don’t forget to “LIKE” this video and be sure to Subscribe to my YouTube Channel as well.

Luis Cuevas, Realtor®

RE/MAX Cross Country

1990 Justin Road

Highland Village, Texas 75077

(214) 783-0535


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6 Home Improvements That Don’t Add Much Value

6 Home Improvements That Don’t Add Much Value

Homeowners are used to spending money on their homes for routine maintenance.  Some will go as far as spending money on home improvements to better their home for their taste or even increasing the value.  The issue I often come across is when these improvements are completed they don’t always added value to the home.

Here are 6 Home Improvements I see all the time however don’t add much value to the home.

  1. Over The Top Landscaping - Landscaping is key to buyers it is your curb appeal and first impression of the home.  Keeping up with mowing the lawn, watering and trimming the bushes is a good for your curb appeal.  However when you decide to go over board with the landscaping that goes above and beyond the norm for the neighborhood you start to lose money.  Going over the top on landscaping can become too niche and often lead to losing money on the landscaping improvements.
  2. Improvements beyond the neighborhood - Improvements should be kept within range of the norm for the neighborhood and not go above as you start to lose your ROI.  An example would be installing wrought iron doors in a neighborhood where no one else has some, this would be difficult to justify increasing the value much.  While in other neighborhoods those doors may be the norm and are expect just to keep up with the neighborhood norm.
  3. Delayed Maintenance - Often maintenance items are confused with home improvements and this is not something that necessarily adds value.  For example a homeowner could have delayed painting, roof, a/c and new carpet in the bedrooms for year but then does this all at once.  While this may add up in expense it doesn’t necessarily add value, instead it is maintenance buyers expect and just brings the property up to par with the neighborhood norm.
  4. Inconsistent High End Upgrades - You ideally want to keep all the upgrades consistent instead of over investing in just one area & ignoring another.  So maybe you put really high end appliances however you still have old bad counters, cabinets in need of TLC and laminate floors.  Can you picture how those inconsistent upgrades might not fit in or flow with the rest of the home?  Instead spread the improvements to bring everything up to par, not just in one area but the whole home.
  5. Sunroom Additions - It is no secret in North Texas is hot and a sunroom really isn’t appealing for most buyers.
  6. Pools - Pools tend to be a niche upgrade with low demand making the ROI rather low.  Keep in mind people don’t want to deal with the maintenance, cleaning, chemicals, safety issues and the space it takes up in the back yard.  As a result I find pools don’t have a good ROI as an improvement.

I hope you found this list helpful if you plan on making improvements or had questions regarding your ROI on these projects.  At the end of the day I encourage anyone to make improvements that makes them happy.  If you have questions or if I can help please do not hesitate to reach out to me.

With a heart of a teacher I look to educate my clients about the process of buying, selling or renting real estate.  I strongly feel an informed and educated consumer will make better decisions and be less likely to be taken advantage of.

Have questions about this or other topics, don not hesitate to contact me.

Don’t forget to “LIKE” this video and be sure to Subscribe to my YouTube Channel as well.

Luis Cuevas, Realtor®

RE/MAX Cross Country

1990 Justin Road

Highland Village, Texas 75077

(214) 783-0535


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Holding an open house at your home is a good way to expose your property to as many potential buyers as possible.  I hold an Open House on listings if the client desire which serves several purposes in the marketing of the home.  Let’s cover so reasons as to why an Open House is a good way to market your home.

  1. EXPOSURE - As your Realtor® my goal is to expose your home to as many potential buyers as possible and holding an Open House is one way of doing that.  It is a bit of an informal way to open your doors to the general public who may be in the market.
  2. FUNNEL SHOWINGS - What I mean by this is if a buyer sees there is an Open House they may be less likely to view it on another time but instead wait for the event.  This helps to push more showings during the event instead of having them spread out throughout the week, therefore saving you time.
  3. UNREPRESENTED BUYERS- The truth is not all buyers have an agent, this is their only way of viewing the home.  These are potential buyers who would otherwise not had the opportunity to view your home.
  4. RELAXED ATMOSHPHERE - Potential buyers can come and go, or stay as long as necessary without the pressure from their schedule.  Most Open Houses are held on the weekends which means the buyers have more time as opposed to viewing it during their lunch break, before they pickup the kids or before making dinner.  In this setting it is at their pace, they can make notes and take the time to view the home without the added pressure.
  5. NEIGHBORS - This one goes back to exposure, neighbors, family or friends may be looking at the home for their friends or family.  A common occurrence is to have an out of town buyer with a friend or family member who lives in town go view the home for them.  This is very common and of course the friend or family member attends the Open House as a way to view the home.  Also neighbors will view the home for a friend, often they mention having friends who have always wanted to live in their neighborhood and this might be their opportunity.
  6. BUSY AGENTS - Open Houses serve as an easy way for a real estate agent who may be booked on the weekend & not have time to show the home to their buyer to just send them to the Open House.  This allows for the buyer to still see the home instead of waiting for their agent to make time, this is a very common occurrence.

 The reality of an Open House is allows a no pressure, weekend time to expose your home to as many people as possible.  There are numerous situations where an Open House might be the only way a buyer has the opportunity to view the home.  Regardless the end result is we want to market your home and giving it as much as exposure to the market is key & an Open House is just one more way of accomplishing that goal.

Again I hope this was of value and maybe you picked up a tip or two.  My goal is always to be a resource and educate my clients so they can make informed & educated decisions.

Have questions about this or other topics, don’t hesitate to contact me.

Luis Cuevas, Realtor®

RE/MAX Cross Country

1990 Justin Road

Highland Village, Texas 75077

(214) 783-0535


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