When Is The Best Time To Buy a House? | Luis Cuevas Realtor® | RE/MAX Cross Country

This is a question I get all the time and one I hear different answers to.  When is the best time to buy a house?  If you listen to the real estate commercials you would here that now is the best time to buy.  Others would say the summer, or the winter for one reason or another.

The reality is the best time to buy a house is when you are ready.  It doesn’t matter if it is summer, spring or fall you have to be ready and in a position to make that move.

Have your down payment and closing costs money saved up.  Will you be putting 20% down, then have that ready.  What about moving cost?  A safety net fund for repairs, because now you will become the landlord & maintenance person.

Being prepared to buy also includes being confident in your financial situation.  Do you have a stable job?  Good salary in the long term and what about your future long after you buy, how does that look?

Everyone’s situation is different and there is no one right answer however the common denominator in my opinion is the buyer being ready and prepared.  If you are not ready or prepared then what does it matter if the inventory is great, prices are reasonable or interest rates are low?  You have to be ready and when you are then that will be the best time for you to buy.

I really enjoy educating my clients and that is one of my goals of these videos and my YouTube channel in general.  With the heart of a teach my goal is to educate because it makes a stronger, wiser consumer who can make better real estate decisions!

Have questions about this or other topics, don not hesitate to contact me.

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Luis Cuevas, Realtor®

RE/MAX Cross Country

1990 Justin Road

Highland Village, Texas 75077

(214) 783-0535


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